On Demand

21 Sep 2023

7:00 PM IST

Zluri+Jamf: Unified, zero-touch on/off-boarding for devices & applications

Today hardware and software management happens in siloes. Employees need access to both from day 1, while also ensuring that access is revoked from devices & applications when they leave.

Having two different processes to enable this can become more complicated than it has to be

Introducing  Zluri +Jamf: Streamline the user lifecycle in one place for access to apps & devices.

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On Demand

Zluri+Jamf: Unified, zero-touch on/off-boarding for devices & applications

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Your Hosts

Rudransh Tiwari

Rudransh Tiwari

Product @Zluri

In this Zluriverse live webinar session, you will learn how to:

360° bulk on/off-boarding
360° bulk on/off-boarding of users onto apps and devices
Auto-lock devices
Auto-lock devices when users leave to prevent security breaches
Enroll users into mac devices
Enroll users into mac devices & apps automatically on day 1

Go from SaaS chaos to SaaS governance with Zluri