Save time & reduce risk with automated access reviews

Transition from painstakingly manual reviews, inaccurate user and permission lists, to fully automated access reviews and remediation in one platform

Recognized by industry leading experts

How it works:

Step 1

Discover all apps

Get 100% visibility with powerful discovery

Step 2

Map contracts & spend

Centralize SaaS spend & licenses

Step 3

Optimize costs & save

Save costs with usage-based optimization

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Shadow IT is a bigger threat than ever before

80% of SaaS is outside of IT's purview*

Shadow IT & license sprawl creeps into every corner of your SaaS landscape. Relying on limited or manual discovery can lead to partial insights & high-risk vulnerabilities

*Source: Gartner

Unparalleled visibility & control built on powerful discovery  

Get the complete picture of your SaaS landscape by binding together data across apps, directories, finance systems and more to control application risk, spend & access.

Discover all your apps

Custom Apps
Finance Apps
Direct Apps

Manage SaaS

360° SaaS visibility
Prevent Shadow IT
Optimize costs
Manage contracts

Discover, optimize & control every SaaS app

360 degree visibility that’s Shadow IT proof

Zluri’s visibility enables better security by identifying any and EVERY website, application or installed software users have access to in your environment

Native iPaaS that powers fast, secure integrations

Zluri's built-in iPaaS platform simplifies integrating with existing applications and building new ones quickly with zero reliance on 3rd party vendors

The more you discover the more you save

Zluri is able to recognize and extract more ROI from your SaaS by discovering several more redundant, unused apps than any platform today.

Dedicated customer service, implementation & support

Customers love us for our hand-held onboarding, super-fast response times & high level of technical support, implementation and customization.

Why Zluri is the right fit for Modern IT

100% discovery

Reveal every app in your SaaS landscape with the most powerful discovery engine

Largest app catalog

Achieve maximum SaaS control by leveraging 800+ out-of-the-box, and secure integrations

Future-proof IT

Adapt to ever-evolving SaaS environments with unified governance across access, cost, and compliance

Real ROI on your SaaS investments

Get ROI from Day 1. Learn how much you can save today with Zluri

Go from SaaS chaos to SaaS Governance with Zluri

Go from SaaS chaos to SaaS
Governance with Zluri