On Demand

13 Jul 2023

7:00 PM IST

Regulating SaaS Spend: How IT can draw the line in the sand for software budgets & spends with Zluri

SaaS budgeting can be complex, but it is important for businesses that use SaaS products.

By creating a well-defined SaaS budget, businesses can improve their financial management and ensure that they are getting the most out of their SaaS investments.

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On Demand

Regulating SaaS Spend: How IT can draw the line in the sand for software budgets & spends with Zluri

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Your Hosts

Yash Mohite

Yash Mohite

Product @ Zluri

In this Zluriverse live webinar session, you will learn how to:

Centralizing Spends
Centralizing all software spends in Zluri
Intelligent budgets
Comparing spends vs cost for an application
customize budgets
How Zluri creates intelligent chargebacks with apps usage & spends

Go from SaaS chaos to SaaS governance with Zluri