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Codefresh with Zluri

Discover Codefresh users, usage, optimize Codefresh licences

What is Codefresh?

Codefresh is a modern CI/CD platform designed for software development teams
building & deploying cloud-native applications using Docker, Serverless, and Kubernetes. Container-based pipelines provide better flexibility, easier pipeline creation, and dozens of speed optimizations to make Codefresh the fastest CI/CD on the planet. With open support
for Linux, Windows, Arm, and Mac OS (beta), as well as advanced deployment capabilities such as Canary, Blue/Green, etc, Codefresh can support any pipeline, end-to-end.

  • Ellipse27
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Get more out of Codefresh with Zluri

Zluri is an enterprise SaaS management platform for IT teams. It enables IT teams to discover, manage, secure, and comply across multiple SaaS applications, all from a single dashboard. It also helps you automate SaaS Operations Tasks like user onboarding & offboarding.

With direct integration with Codefresh, you can discover the Codefresh users and their usage. You can track licences, optimise spend & plan for your future requirements.

Key Features:

  • Discover the users using the Codefresh and track their activity.

  • Identify inactive users and unused licences in order to reduce spend & secure your application stack.

  • Understand Codefresh’s engagement score through the average usage percentage metric.

  • Manage Codefresh licences, monitor the amount spent, and track upcoming renewals from a single dashboard.

Go from SaaS chaos to SaaS governance with Zluri