Discover every application in your environment

Zluri brings IT teams complete visibility into their SaaS landscape from centrally managed apps to installed software on devices

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Zluri’s application discovery engine


Levels of app discovery


Out-of-the-box integrations


Applications in our catalog

How Zluri Surfaces everything about your apps

All the essential information & insights you need about your applications from user activity, to assigned and unassigned licenses, dept, spends in one place

360° visibility across users, apps and spends

All the essential information & insights you need about your applications from user activity, to assigned and unassigned licenses, dept, spends in one place

Categorize all apps based on importance and risk

Complete control over which apps can be centrally managed, which lie with individual app owners and which applications are restricted

Set administrative controls for critical applications

Assign owners, set notifications and alerts, automate tasks & access requests where possible and streamline app administration