Retaining & Recruiting The Best IT Talent - A Must-Have Know-How For CIO’s

Retaining & Recruiting The Best IT Talent - A Must-Have Know-How For CIO’s
  • Identifying the most qualified individual for a post has become increasingly difficult since candidates themselves have more options.

  • On the other hand, because of the increase in demand for IT professionals, your most talented employees have realised that they are at the top of their game when it comes to landing a position, making retention a priority.

  • How to be on top of the game when solving both challenges. Look here to know the answer.

The present recruitment scenario has seen a transformation during and after the pandemic. The demand for IT talent is so high that employers cannot afford to simply sit back and wait for the right candidate to walk through the door. With rapid digital transformation becoming the norm for most IT companies, skill acquisition has become as crucial as skill retention. 

Many organizations are now competing for the best and the brightest- and the most significant challenge they all face is to retain their top talents.

Prospective employees are increasingly conducting detailed research on the companies they believe are suitable for them, just as the companies are conducting thorough research on their prospects.

However, the above scenario also presents a flip side. Because of the increase in demand for IT professionals, your most talented employees have realized that they are at the top of their game when it comes to landing a position. Given the duration, resources, and money that goes into recruiting, it makes sense to prioritize retaining your best employees.

Companies that increase employee retention rates have a competitive advantage in reaching their goals. Increased employee retention can also be a significant force behind hiring new employees. This implies that harnessing the right skills adds to the company's progress. So, there must be a balance - mindlessly adopting the ‘hire and fire’ method won’t work.

So, what are the most important aspects and trends a CIO must know? What kind of technological factors must be ‘factored’ in? Click here to learn more.