Factors to consider before purchasing a SaaS software

Team Zluri

22nd March, 2023


The SaaS buying process is a complex journey that involves various critical factors that can impact your investment. It's time to dig deeper and understand what truly matters to your team. Prioritize your needs, communicate with your team, and make an informed decision. 

With the right factors, one can simplify the buying process and ensure stability and confidence in purchasing software.

When it comes to purchasing a SaaS solution, it's not just about finding the best deal. Instead, it's a complex process that involves various factors that can make or break your investment. 

Are you putting too much emphasis on price and overlooking other critical components of the agreement? If you want to ensure stability and confidence when buying software, you need to understand what really matters to your team.

Refrain from letting the complexity of the SaaS buying process deter you. Instead, use it as an opportunity to uncover what your team values most from purchase to purchase. Discussing these points and defining the parameters before negotiations can simplify buying and guarantee you get what you need without any issues.

The SaaS buying process may be complex, but you can turn it into a streamlined and stress-free experience with the right approach. First, let's discuss the factors that should be considered before purchasing software.

Key Considerations for Buying SaaS Software

The adoption of SaaS has significantly increased in recent years, with businesses relying on cloud-based software solutions to meet their needs. However, with a wide range of options available, choosing the right SaaS software that fits your business requirements can be challenging. This is why it is crucial to consider various essential factors to make an informed decision and select the best solution for your business. 

1. Assessing current needs and processes

Assessing current needs and processes is a crucial factor to consider when buying SaaS software. It helps organizations ensure that they choose a solution that suits their specific needs and processes well. In addition, by evaluating their current practices and identifying areas for improvement, organizations can determine the specific features, functionalities, and capabilities they require from SaaS software.

This information can inform the selection process and ensure that the organization chooses a solution that will effectively support its goals and objectives. By aligning their software selection with their current needs and processes, organizations can maximize the benefits of their investment, reduce implementation time and costs, and increase user adoption.

In addition, by evaluating their current needs and processes, organizations can also identify any customizations or integrations that may be necessary to ensure a seamless implementation and operation of the SaaS software.

2. Budget and cost considerations

Budget and cost considerations are critical aspects of buying SaaS software. There are three key points to remember when considering the budget for your software purchase:

  • Allocating budget for software purchase: Before making a purchase, you need to determine your available budget for software. This will help you narrow down the options and focus on the software that is within your budget.

  • Evaluating the cost-benefit of different software options: Once you have determined your budget, you can start assessing the cost-benefit of different software options. Consider the upfront cost of purchasing the software and the long-term benefits it can bring your business. This will help you determine whether the cost of the software is worth it.

  • Considering ongoing maintenance and support costs: It's important to remember that SaaS software requires ongoing maintenance and support, which can add to the overall cost of the software. Make sure to factor in these costs when evaluating the cost-benefit of different software options. Consider the software provider's support and maintenance policies, and ensure you understand what kind of support you can expect after purchasing.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the best SaaS software for your business needs while staying within your budget.

3. Integration with existing systems

Integrating new software into your existing technology can be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, but it doesn't have to be! By taking into account a few key considerations, you can ensure that the software you choose fits seamlessly into your current systems and processes, like a hand in a glove.

Think about compatibility - does the new software work well with the hardware, operating systems, and other technology you already have? Nothing is more frustrating than investing in a new software solution only to discover it doesn't play well with your current setup.

Consider integration - does the software have the ability to integrate smoothly with your existing systems and processes? For example, can it share data and information seamlessly without causing bottlenecks or roadblocks?

And last, future-proofing is key - will the software continue to be relevant as your business grows and evolves? Can it adapt and integrate with future upgrades and new technology? By considering these factors, you can ensure that the software you choose today will continue to meet your needs tomorrow.

4. Service & support requirements

Choosing a SaaS provider is a big decision, and it's essential to get it right. While it's tempting to focus solely on the price, it's important to remember that a supplier's real value lies in their ability to keep your software up and running smoothly. In addition, the level of service and support they provide can make or break the success of your SaaS experience.

When negotiating a contract, take the time to carefully consider the service level promises made by your potential supplier. This includes everything from uptime guarantees to maintenance procedures to data availability and deletion. Also, remember to involve your legal department to ensure compliance with SLAs and other requirements. 

The support you receive is also critical. Please take a close look at the contract's support clauses to ensure you have a clear path to getting the help you need when you need it. Consider the support structure's availability and limitations before closing the deal.

In short, a successful SaaS contract is about much more than just the software. It's about the level of service and support the supplier provides and ensuring that you have a solid agreement to keep your software running smoothly.

5. Understand cancellation and auto-renewal clauses

When it comes to software purchases, it's not just about signing on the dotted line and kicking off a new project. The end of the contract is just as crucial to consider as the beginning. Although becoming increasingly popular, auto-renewal clauses may only sometimes be in your company's best interest. 

To ensure flexibility and control over your tech stack and budget, it's best to negotiate out of auto-renewal whenever possible.

Think of it as a long-term relationship - you wouldn't want to be locked into a commitment without having the option to renegotiate the terms. The cancellation performance period is also something to keep an eye on, as it could impact your bottom line.

The term of the contract is another important factor to consider. At the same time, a longer term may seem like a good idea for long-lasting projects; but clear exit clauses are crucial. To minimize risks, consider starting with a one-year term and reassessing the supplier's offerings for multi-year terms once you understand the one-year option.

Negotiating favorable terms and keeping track of the conditions is key to maintaining control over spend and ensuring a successful partnership with your software provider. So, before you sign up, remember to consider the endgame as well!

Transform your SaaS Buying with Zluri

Are you ready to streamline your SaaS purchasing process and boost your bottom line? Look no further than Zluri, the platform that makes buying software subscriptions easy and stress-free.

With a focus on data intelligence and expert negotiations, Zluri helps companies save money on their software subscriptions by negotiating better prices and terms. In addition, the Zluri SaaS Management Platform provides a single dashboard to view usage across all applications, enabling organizations to identify and eliminate redundant or unused subscriptions, leading to significant cost savings.

The best part? You can enjoy guaranteed savings of up to 50% on subscriptions without any upfront costs.


Say goodbye to the hassle and frustration of SaaS buying. With Zluri, you'll enjoy a seamless experience that saves you time, money, and headaches. Our pay-as-you-save model means you'll never have to worry about overspending on subscriptions again.

Let the experts at Zluri guide you every step of the way to a more streamlined and cost-effective SaaS purchasing journey. Start saving big on your SaaS today with Zluri! Request a demo now

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