10 Best Applications For IT Teams In HubSpot App Store

Team Zluri

8th June, 2023


“HubSpot App Marketplace” is an app store that provides various apps and integrations that work with the HubSpot platform. These apps can enhance the functionality and efficiency of HubSpot's core features. It allows you to customize and optimize their marketing, sales, and service workflows.

In the HubSpot App store, you can browse apps by category, search for specific apps, and read reviews from other users. 

For organizations using the popular platform HubSpot, the HubSpot App Store is an invaluable resource for finding new apps that can help improve productivity, streamline workflows, and drive growth. 

HubSpot is a primary customer relationship management (CRM) software offering various marketing, sales, and customer service tools. The App Marketplace provides IT teams access to hundreds of third-party apps and integrations that can enhance their experience with HubSpot.

Some of the apps available in the HubSpot App Store include Project management tools, performance tracking, ITSM tools, analytics software, and more. These apps and integrations can range from simple add-ons that offer additional functionality to complex integrations that connect HubSpot with other software and platforms.

In short, the HubSpot App Marketplace offers a way for IT teams to extend the functionality of their HubSpot software and integrate it with other tools they use in their organizations.

This article will explore the top 10 apps in the HubSpot App Store, explaining what they do and how they can benefit IT teams.

List Of 10 Best Apps In The HubSpot App Store

If you are looking to enhance your team's efficiency, these apps will surely help take your HubSpot experience to the next level.

So, let’s get started!

1. Zluri 

Zluri is a comprehensive SaaS Management solution designed to assist IT teams in efficiently managing their software and optimizing their SaaS stack. This platform simplifies software procurement, monitors usage and spending, and improves overall IT operations. With Zluri, IT teams can easily discover, procure, monitor, and manage SaaS applications all from a single platform. 


Additionally, Zluri enables IT teams to track software licenses and contracts, ensuring optimal management of their software resources. It helps you optimize your software spend by identifying unused licenses, consolidating licenses, and providing insights into license usage.


Here are the key features of Zluri that make it stand out as the best SMP available:

  • Centralized Dashboard: Zluri’s centralized dashboard allows IT teams to view and manage all their SaaS applications in one place, making it easier to track their usage, spend, etc. The platform also offers real-time analytics and reporting, providing IT teams with valuable insights into their SaaS usage and costs, enabling them to optimize their usage and reduce unnecessary expenses.


  • App Discovery:  Zluri, being the best discovery engine helps IT teams discover and monitor all the SaaS apps used throughout their organization with its 5 discovery methods. It includes SSO or IDP, finance systems, direct integrations, browser extensions (optional), and desktop agents (optional). It has the biggest app collection, with more than 225,000 apps. With the help of 5 discovery techniques, this huge app library enables Zluri to offer 100% SaaS discoverability. 

    For e.g, let's say as an IT manager, you are tasked with managing all the SaaS apps used in your organization. Using Zluri's platform, you can quickly get a list of all the SaaS apps used by different teams within your organization, along with their usage metrics and cost. 

    Furthermore, Zluri's platform also provides valuable insights on app usage trends, which can help you understand which apps are used frequently and which are not. 

  • A wide Range Of Integrations: The platform offers seamless integrations with a wide range of third-party applications. With its flexible integration capabilities, Zluri can easily connect with different SaaS applications and data sources, providing organizations with a comprehensive view of their entire technology stack.


    Zluri connects directly with 800+ most commonly used SaaS apps across hundreds of categories, and this list keeps increasing monthly. For, e.g, here you can see how easily, in just one click, you can integrate Zluri with HR software BambooHR and get all the granular details about the app and its users. 

  • Cost Optimization: The platform helps teams optimize their software costs by identifying opportunities to reduce license spend, eliminate redundancies, and negotiate better terms with software vendors. 

    Zluri helps you eliminate any redundant or overlapping apps used within your organization. It can easily detect apps with similar features or the same purpose. 

    For example, if your team uses both Asana and Trello for project management, Zluri can help identify which app is being used less and suggest eliminating it to streamline your workflow and reduce subscription costs. With Zluri's platform, you can optimize your SaaS app usage and save money without sacrificing productivity.

  •  License management: Zluri provides IT teams with a centralized view of all their software licenses, enabling them to track license usage, costs, unused licenses, avoid compliance risks, and optimize license spend. 

    For instance, if your team subscribes to a project management tool but only a few members use it, Zluri can help point out this and recommend reducing the subscription size. This helps you to optimize SaaS licenses and save money.

  • Security & Compliance: Zluri SMP helps you maintain security compliance by providing real-time alerts and notifications for security vulnerabilities and non-compliant software. 

    Let's say an organization needs to comply with a security standard like ISO 27001 or SOC 2. These standards have specific security control requirements that must be implemented in the company's IT infrastructure. 

    Zluri can help the company manage its security and compliance by providing a centralized platform that enables the company to monitor, assess, and improve its security posture. For example, here you can check for slack:


    Zluri has pre-built frameworks for various compliance standards such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001. These frameworks provide a checklist of security controls that need to be implemented in the company's IT infrastructure to achieve compliance.

    Further, Zluri can automate compliance checks and provide alerts if any controls are not implemented or if there are any deviations from the standard.

2. Zendesk 

Zendesk is a cloud-based customer support platform designed to help IT teams manage and improve their customer interactions across different channels, including email, social media, chat, phone, and more.

The Zendesk platform provides a range of features and tools to help IT teams manage various operations efficiently, including ticketing and workflow management, knowledge base management, reporting and analytics, and integrations with other tools and platforms.


  • Ticket Management: Zendesk allows you to manage customer inquiries and support requests in a centralized location. IT Teams can track, prioritize, and respond to support tickets, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

  • Multi-Channel Support: Zendesk supports multiple communication channels such as email, phone, live chat, social media, and messaging apps. This enables teams to support customers across different channels, helping them meet customer expectations.

  • Automation and Workflows: Zendesk offers automation and workflows that help IT teams streamline their support processes. It includes features like triggers, automation, and macros to help automate repetitive tasks and speed up response times.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Zendesk provides insights into key performance metrics, allowing teams to track their customer support performance. It also offers customizable dashboards, reporting tools, and data exports to help you make data-driven decisions.

3. Zoom

Zoom is a popular video conferencing and collaboration tool that allows IT teams to connect and communicate with each other remotely. It is a crucial tool for small, medium, and large-sized teams who want to stay in touch and keep their daily operations running smoothly.


Some of its main features include:

  • Video and audio conferencing: Zoom offers high-quality audio and video conferencing that allows you to see and hear each other in real-time.

  • Screen sharing: With Zoom, you can share screens with other members during meet-ups, which is useful for presentations, demonstrations, or remote collaboration.

  • Recording: Zoom allows teams to record their meetings, which can be helpful for reference or sharing with those who could not attend.

  • Chatting and file sharing: Zoom includes a chat function that allows teams to message each other during a meeting. Teams can also share files with each other through the chat or screen-sharing feature.

  • Virtual backgrounds: Zoom offers the ability to use virtual backgrounds, which can be useful for those who want to maintain the privacy or simply want a fun or professional background during their meeting.

  • Breakout rooms: Zoom allows splitting attendees into smaller groups for larger meetings, which is useful for collaboration or discussion.

  • Security and privacy features: Zoom has implemented several security features, such as passwords and waiting rooms, to ensure that team meetings are secure and private.

4.  Slack 

Slack is a communication and collaboration platform that allows IT teams to communicate and work together more effectively. It enables you to create channels for different projects or topics, send direct messages, and share files with team members. Slack integrates with many other tools and services, making it a central team communication and collaboration hub. 

With its powerful search feature and customization options, Slack helps IT teams stay organized and focused, improving productivity and efficiency. Additionally, Slack takes security seriously, providing features such as two-factor authentication and data encryption to ensure that communication and data are secure.


 Some of its key features include:

  • Channels: Slack enables you to create channels for different topics or projects, which can be private or public. This allows team members to communicate and collaborate on specific tasks or projects easily.

  • File Sharing: IT teams can easily share files on Slack, which can be stored in channels or sent directly to team members. This feature is particularly useful for IT teams sharing large files or collaborating on documents.

  • Integrations: Slack integrates with many other tools and services, such as Google Drive, Trello, Jira, and Zoom, making it a central hub for team communication and collaboration.

  • Search feature: Slack includes a powerful search feature that allows you to easily find messages, files, or other information within channels and direct messages. This feature is extremely helpful for IT teams who need to access information or go back to previous conversations rapidly.

  • Security: Slack takes security seriously, offering features such as two-factor authentication and data encryption to ensure that communication and data are secure.

5. Jira 

Jira is an IT service management (ITSM) tool that keeps your team on track. It makes it simpler to categorize service requests, incidents, problems, and modifications by prioritizing them in a single location. It is also used for project/work management and issue tracking. 

It allows teams to create projects and track issues or tasks within those projects. Teams can create customized workflows to manage the entire lifecycle of an issue, from creation to resolution. 

In addition to project management and issue tracking, Jira offers reporting and analytics features, integrations with other tools and services, and customization options to tailor the tool to the organization's needs. It enables teams to work together quickly, adapt to business changes, and quickly provide excellent customer and employee support.


Here are a few key features of Jira:

  • Project Management: Jira enables teams to create and manage projects from start to finish, using customizable workflows and agile boards.

  • Issue Tracking: Teams can track and manage issues or tasks within projects, assigning them to team members and setting priorities.

  • Customization: Jira offers many customization options, allowing teams to create their own workflows, fields, and reports to suit their specific needs.

  • Agile Boards: Jira includes agile boards, which allow teams to manage their work using agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban.

  • Integrations: Jira integrates with many other tools and services, such as Confluence, Bitbucket, and Slack, making it a central hub for team collaboration and communication.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Jira offers many reporting and analytics features, allowing IT teams to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

6. Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps IT teams manage their operations' sales, marketing, customer service, and other aspects. It provides a suite of tools and features designed to help companies connect with their customers, automate processes, and streamline workflows. 

It also offers various customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their Salesforce instance to their unique needs and requirements.


Some of the key features of Salesforce include

  • Sales Management: Salesforce provides tools for managing leads, contacts, accounts, and opportunities. It enables sales teams to track and manage their pipeline, collaborate with team members, and automate key tasks.

  • Marketing Automation: Salesforce offers marketing automation tools to help IT teams create, execute, and track marketing campaigns. It allows marketers to create targeted campaigns, send personalized emails, and measure campaign performance.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Salesforce provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities to aid in making data-driven decisions. It allows you to create custom reports and dashboards to track key performance indicators (KPIs).

  • Customization: Salesforce offers extensive customization options, enabling you to tailor the platform to your unique needs and requirements. You can customize layouts, fields, and workflows, and even create your own custom applications.

  • AppExchange: Salesforce's AppExchange is a marketplace for third-party applications and integrations. It allows It teams to extend the functionality of Salesforce by integrating it with other applications and services.

7. Zapier 

Zapier is a popular workflow automation tool that allows the IT department to connect various web applications and automate repetitive tasks. With Zapier, teams can create workflows (called "Zaps") that automatically perform actions in one application based on triggers in another application.


Some of the key features of Zapier include

  • Integration with over 2,000 apps: Zapier offers integrations with over 2,000 different web applications, including popular tools like Google Drive, Trello, Slack, and Salesforce.

  • Task automation: With Zapier, you can create "Zaps" to automate tasks between different web applications. For example, a Zap can automatically create a Trello card whenever a new task is added to a project in Asana.

  • Multi-step Zaps: Zapier allows teams to create multi-step Zaps involving multiple actions across different web applications. This can help to streamline complex workflows and save time.

  • Custom workflows: Zapier allows you to create custom workflows that are especially created to meet their specific needs. You can choose from various trigger and action options to create a workflow that suits their requirements.

8. Databox

Databox is a performance management tool that allows IT teams to track and visualize their key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time. It integrates with multiple data sources such as Google Analytics, Salesforce, HubSpot, and many more to provide a unified view of business performance.

Databox allows you to create customizable dashboards to share with team members and stakeholders. These dashboards can display data in various formats, including charts, tables, and graphs, and can be viewed on any device. This allows for easy monitoring of KPIs and quickly identifying trends and areas for improvement.


  • Multiple data sources: Databox integrates with over 70 different data sources, including Google Analytics, HubSpot, Salesforce, Facebook, and more.

  • Customizable alerts: Databox lets you set up custom alerts based on specific KPIs. You can choose to receive alerts via email, Slack, or SMS.

  • Insights and recommendations: Databox provides insights and recommendations based on data analysis, helping IT teams identify growth opportunities and optimize their performance.

  • Mobile app: Databox has a mobile app for iOS and Android that allows you to view the dashboards on the go.

9. Trello 

Trello is an efficient project management tool that enables teams to organize their tasks and cooperate effectively. Whether you're managing a small project or leading a large group, Trello offers an adaptable and user-friendly platform to help you stay on track and concentrated.

Its primary advantage is its visual-based interface, which consists of cards representing individual tasks and projects. These cards can be shifted between various completion stages as they advance, allowing IT teams to quickly see which tasks are ongoing, finished, or require attention. This feature makes it easy to assess progress and identify areas requiring attention with a glance.


As a project management tool, Trello has several features to help teams organize and manage their projects effectively, such as

  • Collaboration and communication: IT teams can comment on cards, add attachments, and tag members to keep everyone on the same page. Trello also offers real-time syncing across devices, making staying updated on project progress easy.

  • Customization and integration: Trello allows teams to customize their boards, lists, and cards with colors, labels, and custom fields. Further, Trello offers integrations with several other tools, such as  Google Drive, Slack, and GitHub, to streamline workflows and make collaborating easier across different platforms.

  • Card-based task management: You can create cards within each list to represent tasks or items needing attention. Cards can be assigned to team members, given due dates, and labeled for easier organization.

  • Board-based structure: Trello is organized into boards representing individual projects or initiatives. You can create lists within each board representing the project's stages or workflows.

10. ClickUp 

ClickUp is a widely-used project management software with many features to enhance workflows and boost productivity. It's user-friendly interface and robust tools make ClickUp a top pick for IT teams seeking to optimize their project management processes and maximize efficiency. The platform is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations across various industries.


Some of the key features of ClickUp include:

  • Task Management: ClickUp provides tools for creating and managing tasks, including task lists, checklists, and due dates. It allows IT admins to assign tasks to team members and track progress in real-time.

  • Collaboration: It enables teams to collaborate on projects in real-time, with features like comments, mentions, and task assignments. It also offers integrations with popular collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

  • Project Management: ClickUp provides tools for managing entire projects, including project timelines, milestones, and budgets. It allows you to create project plans and track progress throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Customization: ClickUp offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the platform to your specific needs. Teams can create custom task fields, workflows, and views and even create their own custom integrations using ClickUp's API.

  • Time Tracking: ClickUp offers time-tracking features to help teams manage their time more efficiently. It lets you track time spent on tasks and projects and generate reports to analyze time usage.

  • Reporting: It offers powerful reporting features to help you analyze the data and track progress. It allows you to create custom reports and dashboards to visualize data and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).

  • Automation: The tool provides automation features to help teams automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows. It allows creating custom automation based on triggers and actions, saving time and reducing errors.


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