Temporary Elevated Access for SaaS Apps

Vamsi Krishna Gajula

15th February, 2024


Temporary elevated access is a strategic tactic within identity and access management. It involves granting users short-term permissions beyond their standard access levels. This provision is valuable when IT managers and their teams need to perform actions outside their usual responsibilities.

As an IT manager, consider your employee requires temporary administrative privileges to address short-term projects or troubleshoot a system issue. In such cases, providing elevated access for a limited duration becomes essential for fostering user productivity and flexibility.

However, it is equally crucial to strike a balance with the principle of least-privileged access, a foundational security principle that emphasizes granting users only the minimum privileges necessary for their assigned duties.

The careful balance between empowering users and ensuring security highlights the importance of temporary elevated access within contemporary identity and access management methodologies. Let’s first delve into what exactly is temporary elevated access.

What is Temporary Elevated Access?

Temporary elevated access temporarily bestows higher-level rights or privileges upon a user within a system or network. This allocation of rights typically mirrors administrative privileges, enabling the user to execute pivotal tasks that would ordinarily be beyond the scope of a regular user.

These critical responsibilities encompass various activities such as system configuration, user account management, meticulous data oversight, and the installation and configuration of software.

This is a strategic measure employed by organizations to facilitate specific tasks while maintaining the overall security and the integrity of the system. It strikes a balance between operational efficiency and security protocols, ensuring that individuals can carry out essential functions without unnecessary constraints, while simultaneously minimizing the potential risks associated with prolonged elevated access.

Temporary elevated access is integral to robust strategies, promoting a flexible and dynamic approach to user permissions within digital environments.

Key Aspects of Temporary Elevated Access Management

Temporary elevated access encompasses several key aspects that contribute to its effective and secure implementation:

  • Duration

Temporary elevated access is characterized by its time-limited nature. A specific start and end time are defined for the elevated privileges. This ensures that access is granted only for the required duration and is automatically revoked once the designated time frame elapses.

This time-bound approach minimizes the risk of prolonged exposure to elevated privileged accounts.

  • Purpose

Elevated access is typically granted for specific purposes, tasks, or projects. It allows users to perform necessary actions but fall outside the scope of their regular access rights.

These actions often involve sensitive resources, including special projects, system configurations, database management, or handling security incidents. The specificity of the granted privileges ensures that users have access only to the resources essential for their authorized tasks.

  • Approval & Authorization

The process of obtaining temporary elevated access follows a meticulous approval procedure. Requests for elevated privileges undergo comprehensive scrutiny and require authorization from pertinent stakeholders, be it managers or system administrators.

This rigorous approach guarantees that elevated privileges are conferred based on genuine needs, align with security protocols, and comply with regulatory standards.

  • Monitoring & Auditing

Robust monitoring and auditing mechanisms are integral during the period of temporary elevated access. Close scrutiny and logging of activities performed by users with elevated privileges establish accountability.

Additionally, maintaining an audit trail serves review and investigation purposes, ensuring that users access only the resources essential for their authorized tasks. This proactive approach contributes significantly to security and compliance efforts.

  • Revocation

Timely revocation of elevated access, upon the conclusion of the designated time or completion of specific tasks, is paramount. This practice aligns with the principle of least-privileged access, ensuring that elevated privileges are not retained beyond the necessary timeframe.

Swift revocation is instrumental in minimizing security risks associated with prolonged access, upholding the system's or network's overall integrity.

What is the Importance of Temporary Elevated Access?

The benefits of implementing temporary elevated access in cybersecurity are manifold, contributing to an enhanced security posture, streamlined operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Here are some key advantages:

  • Strategic Privileged Access Management: Temporary elevated access management facilitates a strategic and granular approach to privileged access management. By providing users with elevated privileges only when necessary, organizations minimize the potential for misuse and unauthorized access, aligning with the principle of least-privileged access management.

  • Risk Mitigation: The concept of just-in-time access significantly reduces the risk of privilege abuse. Limiting the duration of elevated privileges ensures that users only have access for the specific period required to perform their tasks, thereby mitigating the risk of prolonged unauthorized access.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Temporary elevated access aligns seamlessly with regulatory requirements by enforcing strict control over user privileges. This proactive approach ensures that organizations adhere to regulatory frameworks that mandate secure access practices, fostering trust and compliance with industry standards.

  • Accountability and Auditing: Monitoring and logging activities during periods of elevated access contribute to robust accountability measures. The detailed audit trail not only aids in post-event investigations but also serves as a deterrent, as users are aware that their privileged activities are being tracked, promoting responsible and compliant behavior.

  • Incident Response Agility: In the event of a security incident, individuals with authorized temporary elevated access can swiftly respond and take necessary actions. This agility in incident response is critical for minimizing the impact of security breaches, containing the incident, and implementing recovery measures promptly.

  • Operational Flexibility: Temporary elevated access balances security and operational flexibility. Users can perform their tasks efficiently with the necessary level of privileges, enhancing overall productivity without compromising the organization's security posture.

How to Implement Temporary Elevated Access?

Implementing temporary elevated access involves a comprehensive set of steps to ensure robust security and effective control. The following outlines a systematic approach to this process:

1. Identify Specific Access Requirements

Effectively managing access permissions within an organizational context demands a clear articulation of scenarios or tasks that warrant temporary elevated access. This precision is crucial for cultivating a nuanced understanding of the specific circumstances necessitating elevated privileges.

To provide comprehensive guidance, it is imperative to distinctly define the purpose, duration, and scope of the required elevated privileges. This involves articulating the precise objectives or functions for which elevated access is essential, specifying the anticipated timeframe during which these privileges are needed, and delineating the extent of the system or data that will be accessible.

Organizations can establish a robust framework for managing temporary elevated access to resources by meticulously addressing these elements. This fortifies security measures and enhances access management processes' efficiency, promoting organizational transparency and accountability.

2. Formalize Approval Procedures

To enhance organizational security and streamline operations, it is imperative to institute a systematic approval process for the allocation of temporary elevated access requests. This framework ensures that access requests are thoroughly vetted and authorized in a controlled manner.

Assigning clear responsibilities is crucial for the effectiveness of the approval process. Designate distinct roles or individuals responsible for reviewing and authorizing access requests. This includes key stakeholders such as application owners, managers, or administrators, ensuring the approval workflow is transparent and accountable.

By formalizing these approval procedures, organizations can establish a robust system that safeguards sensitive information and promotes accountability and efficiency in managing temporary elevated user access.

3. Define access levels

Granular access levels involve precisely defining elevated access permissions in an organization's digital environment:

Task-Specific Access:

  • Identify unique access needs for different tasks or roles.

  • Tailor access to match specific job responsibilities.

Precise Permissions:

  • Specify exact permissions and privileges for each level.

  • Detail specific actions or data accessible at each level.

Temporary Access Roles:

  • Define roles and access levels for temporary requirements.

  • Prevent over-privileged accounts during temporary access.

Documentation for Consistency:

  • Document access levels for a clear reference.

  • Ensure understanding and adherence among stakeholders.

Controlled Implementation:

  • Implement access levels systematically to minimize errors.

  • Regularly review and update to adapt to changes.

Compliance and Auditing:

  • Align with regulatory standards.

  • Implement audits for accountability and unauthorized access detection.

User Training:

  • Train users on adhering to access levels.

  • Promote a security-aware culture to prevent breaches.

By adopting granular policies, organizations enhance security, prevent unauthorized access, and meet regulatory compliance.

4. Optimizing Access Request and Provisioning Procedures

To enhance operational efficiency, it is imperative to establish a streamlined process for users seeking temporary elevated access. This can be achieved by implementing an access request or ticketing system, a centralized platform for managing access requests.

When users submit access tokens, ensuring that the information provided is comprehensive is essential. Requesters should be required to furnish details such as the reason for elevated access, the anticipated duration of such access, and a well-justified explanation for the necessity of heightened privileges. This not only facilitates a thorough understanding of the request but also aids in evaluating the potential risks associated with granting temporary elevated access.

Upon approval of the access request, the next critical step is the efficient provisioning of the requested access. Leveraging suitable tools or methods tailored to the organization's infrastructure and security protocols is key. This ensures a seamless and secure transition from the approval stage to actual access provision.

5. Enforcing Time Constraints for Elevated Access:

Deploy automated or manual controls to enforce time limits on elevated access. Define specific time parameters and ensure access is automatically revoked once the allotted period concludes.

This strategy mitigates security risks associated with prolonged access to sensitive systems and data. Regular reviews and audits should be conducted to verify compliance with these time constraints, aligning access rights with business requirements while remaining vigilant against potential security threats.

The adoption of time-based access controls enhances security and contributes to operational efficiency, establishing a more resilient and adaptive security posture.

6. Establishing Robust Monitoring and Auditing Protocols

Deploy cutting-edge monitoring and auditing tools to track activities during elevated access periods vigilantly. This proactive approach enhances accountability and ensures swift detection of any unauthorized or malicious actions within the system.

Integrate advanced monitoring tools to gain real-time visibility into user actions, acting as a deterrent against potential security breaches. Logs and audit trails serve as a crucial digital record, facilitating forensic analysis and post-incident investigations. In case of a security breach, these records enable quick tracing of the incident's origin, nature, and extent for an informed response.

Additionally, incorporate intelligent alerting mechanisms to receive immediate notifications of unusual or unauthorized activities. This empowers security teams to respond in real-time, minimizing the impact of security incidents.

7. Ensure Timely Revocation and Deprovisioning

Implement a swift and efficient process for revoking temporary elevated access immediately after the designated period or task completion. This proactive strategy minimizes the potential risks linked to prolonged access, significantly lowering the chances of security breaches.

Utilize automated tools to monitor access periods and trigger revocation promptly. Conduct regular audits to identify and rectify any access discrepancies swiftly. Foster transparent communication channels among stakeholders to facilitate seamless coordination in the privilege revocation process.

Prioritize this crucial aspect of privileged access management to fortify overall cybersecurity and safeguard sensitive information.

8. Empower Users and Administrators Through Training

Empowering users and administrators through targeted training is essential for effectively managing temporary elevated access. Comprehensive programs emphasize the critical role of access control and instill a sense of responsibility among participants. These sessions cultivate a culture of vigilance and accountability by highlighting the potential risks associated with temporary elevated access.

In addition to raising awareness, training programs provide a platform to share the latest security best practices. Participants gain insights into emerging cybersecurity threats, enabling them to make informed decisions and proactively safeguard sensitive information. The training also focuses on clarifying the responsibilities of managing temporary access privileges, streamlining processes for both users and administrators.

Overall, these initiatives contribute to a resilient cybersecurity infrastructure by arming individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of elevated access control, reducing the likelihood of security incidents and fortifying defenses against evolving threats.

What is the Difference Between Break Glass Access Vs. Temporary Elevated Access?

Let's delve deeper into the informative aspects of temporary elevated access and breakglass access in the context of cybersecurity. But first, let’s understand what break glass access is:

"Break glass access" refers to a method or process that allows authorized personnel to gain emergency access to a system, network, or facility. The term is often used in the context of cyber risks and information technology, but it can also apply to physical security systems.

The idea behind break glass access is to have a secure and controlled way to access critical systems or data in case of emergencies or exceptional circumstances. This access is typically reserved for situations where normal access methods or procedures may not be feasible or may take too much time.

1. Purpose and Planning

Temporary Elevated Access (TEA): Deliberately scheduled access with a predefined purpose, TEA is strategically employed for tasks necessitating elevated privileges over a specific timeframe, such as system maintenance or software installations.

This structured approach allows organizations to maintain operational efficiency while minimizing security risks during planned activities.

Breakglass Access (BA): Reserved for critical situations, BA involves the immediate provision of access during unforeseen events or emergencies, such as responding to security incidents or system failures.

Unlike TEA, BA is not premeditated, making it a crucial resource for addressing urgent and unexpected challenges.

2. Authorization Process

Temporary Elevated Access: TEA adheres to a formal approval process, requiring predefined criteria for authorization. Designated personnel with the appropriate authority are responsible for approving and overseeing TEA, ensuring a secure and controlled elevation of privileges.

Breakglass Access: BA necessitates predefined emergency procedures and protocols. Authorization may be granted by designated emergency response teams or individuals vested with the authority to initiate breakglass access, emphasizing the rapid response required during critical incidents.

3. Timing

Temporary Elevated Access: TEA is granted for a specific and planned duration. Once the designated task concludes or the timeframe expires, privileges associated with TEA are promptly revoked, minimizing the window of elevated risk.

Breakglass Access: BA is granted for the duration of the emergency or until the situation is resolved. Access remains active until normal operations can be restored, acknowledging the unpredictable nature of emergencies and the need for sustained elevated privileges until stability is regained.

4. Control and Monitoring

Temporary Elevated Access: TEA is subject to regular controls and monitoring as part of the organization's standard processes. Privileged activities associated with TEA are systematically tracked and audited, ensuring compliance with security protocols and mitigating potential risks.

Breakglass Access: Due to its emergency nature, BA is subject to stringent controls and monitoring. Activities are closely observed to prevent misuse, and additional scrutiny and comprehensive logging are often associated with breakglass access to ensure accountability and transparency during critical incidents.

How to Manage Temporary Elevated Access? 

Managing temporary elevated access involves defining access requirements, establishing policies and procedures, implementing access control tools, and monitoring access activities. Organizations must have a clear process for requesting, approving, and revoking temporary access, along with measures to ensure compliance and security. 

However, manual management can be cumbersome and prone to errors, highlighting the need for specialized tools like Zluri. This identity governance solution streamlines the process by automating access provisioning, enforcing least privilege principles, and providing comprehensive auditing and reporting capabilities. With Zluri, organizations can efficiently manage temporary elevated access, reducing administrative overhead while enhancing security and compliance measures.

Zluri provides an advanced solution for effectively managing temporary access elevation, addressing key challenges associated with granting time-limited access to employees.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of how Zluri facilitates this process:

1. Identity Verification and Onboarding for Secure Access Control

  • Zluri ensures a rigorous user identity verification process during .

  • It grants new hires limited access based on their roles, positions, and departments to prevent over-provisioning.

  • Zluri enhances security and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access by aligning access permissions with specific job requirements.

2. Just-In-Time Access Provisioning for Optimized Access Management

Zluri offers a robust solution for implementing Just-In-Time access provisioning, enabling your IT team to grant temporary access to essential applications for predefined periods. This feature is particularly valuable for short-term projects, ensuring employees have elevated permissions only when necessary. 

Zluri's flexibility allows organizations to tailor access provisioning to project timelines or operational needs, enhancing operational efficiency and minimizing security risks associated with prolonged access to sensitive information. 

With Zluri, access is granted judiciously and promptly revoked after the specified timeframe, reducing vulnerability windows and strengthening overall cybersecurity measures.

3. Automated Access Revocation for Enhanced  Security 

Revolutionizing , Zluri introduces a cutting-edge solution that automates the access revocation process, eliminating the inefficiencies associated with manual intervention.

Zluri's automated feature goes beyond traditional methods by seamlessly revoking temporary access permissions once the specified time frame expires. This dynamic capability significantly reduces the risk of prolonged or unnecessary access to accounts or critical resources, aligning with best cybersecurity practices.

4. Auto-Remediation Capability for Enhanced Access Management

  • Zluri incorporates an auto-remediation capability, allowing your IT team to intervene manually for critical applications or scenarios requiring heightened security.

  • This dual-layered approach provides additional control over the access management process, allowing for flexibility in handling specific situations.

For an application handling sensitive financial transactions, Zluri provides an option for manual intervention by the IT team to ensure an extra layer of security. For instance, if an employee needs temporary elevated access to process a critical financial transaction, the IT team can manually oversee and verify the request.

5. Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

  • Zluri continuously monitors access environments and analyzes user permissions in real-time.

  • Proactive alerts are sent to your IT team if any violation or attempt to access unauthorized applications is detected.

  • This real-time monitoring capability empowers swift responses to potential security threats, maintaining integrity.

6. Periodic Audits and Compliance Reporting 

Zluri prioritizes organizations' through its robust system of and comprehensive compliance reporting.

Zluri's core focus is ensuring employees maintain appropriate permissions for accessing SaaS applications, data, and various systems within an organization. This systematic verification process is fundamental in safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access, aligning with the best practices of d access control.

Zluri's platform goes beyond monitoring by generating detailed audit logs and comprehensive reports. These records are tangible evidence of the effective implementation of the least-privileged access control policy. Organizations can easily demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a secure and compliant digital environment by offering a granular view of user permissions and activities.

One notable application of Zluri's audit and reporting features is its significance in assisting organizations to comply with stringent regulatory frameworks, such as the . Producing detailed and organized audit trails is crucial for organizations subject to regulatory scrutiny, enabling them to showcase adherence to security protocols and data access restrictions.

For example, during a routine audit, Zluri identifies that a former employee still had access to certain confidential files. The IT team promptly revokes the outdated permissions, and the incident is documented in Zluri's audit logs. This ensures compliance with data access policies and provides evidence for regulatory requirements.

Why delay any further? Take the next step by today to explore the myriad of exceptional access management capabilities that Zluri has to offer.

Balancing Access & Security in Temporary Elevated Access

Temporary elevated access is crucial in various domains, allowing authorized individuals temporary privileges for specific tasks or restricted area access. The TEA framework involves clear purposes, streamlined authorization processes, and effective monitoring.

Authorization procedures, including identification of personnel, request processes, and documentation, are pivotal. Robust security measures, such as authentication protocols and regular reviews, are essential for risk mitigation, addressing challenges like unauthorized use and potential abuse.

Real-world case studies offer valuable insights, contributing to best practices. These include implementing strong authorization procedures, continuous monitoring, training, and regular policy reviews. Adapting to emerging technologies in access management will be the key to ensuring a secure operational environment.

Finding the right balance between accessibility and security remains crucial, emphasizing responsible use of temporary elevated access. TEA's future lies in staying vigilant, adapting to new technologies, and integrating the latest trends to maintain a secure and efficient operational environment.


1. What is temporary elevated access?

Temporary elevated access refers to the temporary assignment of additional privileges or permissions to users, applications, or systems for a specific and defined duration. This practice enables users to perform tasks requiring higher levels of authorization without permanently altering their standard access rights.

2. Why is temporary elevated access necessary?

Temporary elevated access is necessary for scenarios where users or systems need temporary, heightened permissions to complete specific tasks. Granting high-level access only when needed reduces the risk associated with prolonged exposure to higher privileges, aligning with the security principle of least-privileged access.

3. What are elevated permissions?

Elevated permissions refer to the high-level access rights or privileges granted to users, applications, or systems beyond their standard or baseline permissions. These elevated permissions are typically required to perform certain administrative or sensitive operations within an environment. Managing elevated permissions is crucial to maintaining the principle of least privilege, ensuring that users only have the access necessary to fulfill their designated roles and responsibilities.

4. How does temporary elevated access contribute to compliance and audit requirements?

Temporary elevated access aids organizations in meeting compliance requirements by providing a clear audit trail of when and why users were granted elevated privileges. This documentation is crucial for regulatory compliance audits, demonstrating a proactive approach to managing access and ensuring security controls are effectively implemented.

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