Zoom Automation for IT teams with Zluri

Minu Joseph

8th September, 2023


In today's fast-paced business environment, SaaS applications like Zoom are indispensable for facilitating remote collaboration and communication. However, managing these applications can be complex and time-consuming, creating challenges for IT admins. 

That's where Zluri comes in—a platform that simplifies the process of managing and maintaining SaaS applications like Zoom. 

SaaS applications, like Zoom, have become increasingly important in facilitating remote collaboration and communication today. These applications have helped organizations to continue functioning remotely, enabling employees to communicate and collaborate with each other and with external partners and clients.

However, managing multiple SaaS applications like Zoom can be challenging for IT teams, especially in larger organizations with many employees. Manual management of these applications can be time-consuming, error-prone, and often requires significant resources.

This is where automation comes in as a solution for managing SaaS applications. Automation involves using software tools to automate repetitive tasks and reducing the time and effort required to manage these applications.

Some of the benefits of automating the Zoom app include

  • Simplified management: Automation helps streamline the management of Zoom, including tasks such as user management, license management, and security settings.

  • Reduced manual errors: Automation eliminates the risk of manual errors that may occur during repetitive tasks such as user onboarding and offboarding.

  • Increased productivity: Automation frees up IT teams from mundane tasks, enabling them to focus on more critical projects that can drive business growth.

  • Cost savings: Automation reduces the need for manual intervention, resulting in reduced costs and improved efficiency.

Fortunately, Zluri offers a hassle-free solution to automate all your Zoom-related tasks!

Zluri: An Ideal Solution for Automating Zoom-Related Tasks

If you're looking for an ideal solution to automate your Zoom-related tasks, look no further than Zluri! 

With its cutting-edge technology and advanced automation capabilities, Zluri is the perfect solution for all your Zoom-related needs. So say goodbye to tedious manual work and hello to the seamless execution of all your Zoom tasks. 

Its user-friendly and customizable platform allows Zluri to fit your business needs. So don't settle for less. Try Zluri today and experience the difference it can make for your business!

1. Effective Onboarding with Zluri: Setting Up Zoom Accounts

Looking for a hassle-free way to provide new employees with quick SaaS access? Look no further than Zluri! Zluri assists companies in streamlining their onboarding process and automating the provisioning of various SaaS tools, including but not limited to Zoom. 

Zluri provides a hassle-free solution for companies to quickly grant new employees access to the necessary SaaS tools without requiring specialized knowledge or expertise. With Zluri, team members can begin working immediately after being granted access to the relevant SaaS tools. 

Here's how you can set up Zoom accounts with Zluri for hassle-free onboarding:

  • Begin by accessing the Zluri Workflows module, and navigate to the Onboarding tab. Once there, select 'New Workflow' to start the process.

  • Next, select the users you want to onboard. The platform allows you to select one or more users at once, making the process more efficient.

  • Based on the employee role, seniority, and department, Zluri provides contextual app recommendations. One of the recommended apps would be Zoom. You can further perform specific actions you wish to perform with Zoom.

  • With numerous automated actions available, the possibilities are endless. These actions may include inviting users, assigning licenses, or making group admins.

  • With the in-app suggestion feature, you can perform actions within the application. For instance: inviting a user, assigning specific licenses, making group admin, and more.

  • Once all the necessary steps have been completed, click the "Run" option to initiate the onboarding workflow.

Once you have created the workflow, employees will be granted access to Zoom and can begin utilizing it immediately to facilitate remote communication and collaboration. This streamlined process can greatly enhance productivity and workflow efficiency.

Furthermore, by saving the workflow as a playbook, the company can easily replicate the same process for future new hires for the same role. 


This ensures consistency and saves time and effort in onboarding, allowing new employees to quickly become fully integrated into the team and focus on their work. Implementing such efficient processes can also create a positive workplace culture and improve overall job satisfaction.

2. Efficient Management of Zoom Licenses: Reclaiming Unused Licenses with Zluri

Managing hundreds of Zoom licenses manually can be daunting for any large organization. But what if there was a way to streamline the process and ensure no license goes to waste? That's where Zluri's automated license management comes in. 

With this SaaS management platform, IT managers can easily track and manage all their Zoom licenses from a single dashboard. In addition, Zluri's license module empowers IT admins to compare different applications and their licenses by providing detailed insights about licenses, subscriptions, contracts, and perpetual licenses. 


This helps businesses save money and ensures that each license is utilized to its fullest potential. This is especially important regarding Zoom licenses, as the software is often a major investment for organizations. With real-time metrics and usage data, IT managers can decide which licenses to keep and which to discard.

Not only does Zluri help you stay organized, but it also ensures that you never miss a Zoom license renewal. It sends you renewal reminders at 30, 15, and 1-day intervals. But that's not all - you can customize alerts to fit your needs, ensuring you never miss a deadline again.


But Zluri's benefits don't stop there. With the platform's ability to identify underutilized licenses, IT managers can easily reallocate them to employees who need them more. This maximizes the organization's value from its Zoom subscription and helps improve employee productivity by ensuring everyone has access to the tools they need to do their job.

3. Effective Offboarding with Zluri: Streamlining Zoom Account Deletion and Ownership Sharing

Data breaches are a significant concern for businesses in the digital era. To prevent unauthorized access or misuse of sensitive data, it is crucial to revoke employee access immediately after they leave the organization. 


Zluri automates the account deactivation process, making it more efficient and effective, reducing the risk of security breaches, and ensuring the organization's data is kept safe and secure. Moreover, Zluri simplifies the process of transferring ownership of Zoom recordings, meetings, and webinars to prevent data loss and maintain business continuity. 

Here's how Zluri provides an easy and efficient way to offboard employees:

  • To get started, navigate to the Workflows module on Zluri's platform, select the 'offboarding' option, and create a New workflow.

  • Next, select the users you want to onboard. The platform allows you to select one or more users at once, making the process more efficient.

  • The platform allows you to select all the necessary apps and take the required actions to offboard the users from them.  

  • Zluri offers pre-saved playbooks that can be used to offboard users quickly to make the process even easier. 


Zluri's offboarding workflow makes it easy for companies to ensure that departing employees can no longer access sensitive information or systems. In addition, Zluri's efficient management of Zoom licenses during offboarding saves time and resources and ensures the security of the organization's data.

3. Effective Offboarding with Zluri: Streamlining Zoom Account Deletion and Ownership Sharing

Revolutionize Your Zoom Experience with Zluri

Are you tired of juggling multiple SaaS applications, including Zoom, on a daily basis? Zluri can help! The powerful SaaS management platform simplifies the process of managing multiple applications, so you can focus on growing your business.

Zluri offers a comprehensive SaaS management platform that enables IT managers to automate various tasks related to SaaS management. This includes managing licenses, user access, usage tracking, and more for applications like Salesforce, Dropbox, G Suite, and more.

By automating these tasks, Zluri reduces manual effort, saves valuable time, and streamlines the workflow, allowing IT managers to focus on more strategic work that can drive business growth.

Let's take Slack as an example. Managing Slack access for your organization can be complex, with multiple users and roles to manage and various permissions and access levels to maintain. With Zluri, you can automate user provisioning and deprovisioning, manage permissions and access, and track usage from a single platform. This enables you to optimize your workflows, improve productivity, and focus on driving business growth.

SaaS management platforms like Zluri are vital for IT managers seeking to optimize their workflows and improve productivity. With Zluri, you can revolutionize the way you manage your SaaS applications and achieve greater productivity, allowing you to focus on driving business growth. 

Book a demo today and discover how Zluri can help revolutionize the way you manage Zoom and other SaaS applications. 

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